Chapter History
In 1977, a group of military and family members of Alpha Kappa Alpha identified a need in the Fort Knox/Radcliff community; in that the area was lacking the presence of professional minority women represented by a Greek organization. Because of this deficiency, one could safely assume that the local minority youth were not being offered the same opportunities and privileges as some of their white counterparts. With integration laws still in their infancy stages (during this period of time), our youth were possibly not being given their share of the pie regarding awarding of scholarships, grants and similar educational gifts. With this in mind, these ladies forged ahead and on June 3, 1978 Mu Delta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., was chartered. It was the first graduate chapter chartered on a military installation and the first National Pan-Hellinic Greek Organization chartered in the Fort Knox community.
After a number of years, the Chapter’s membership declined to the point that Mu Delta Omega was unable to continue to function as a viable Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha and was dissolved in or about 1994. This was mainly due to soldiers and family members transferring out of the area and moving their chapter affiliation elsewhere.
In 2010, with the significant increase in the Fort Knox population, there was also been an increase of members of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc.
With this observation, members from the surrounding Hardin County area came together to form an interest group, later named The Exquisite Pearls of Service. The Exquisite Pearls of Service made initial contact with Dr. Gisele’ Casanova; Central Regional Director of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., on June 20, 2011 to express their desire to become an official interest group with the intent to charter a new chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha as soon as possible.
The Exquisite Pearls of Service was given notice by Dr. Gisele’ Casanova, on October 15, 2011; that they were approved as an official interest group. The group forged ahead under the direction and leadership of members Naomi Johnson, Geri DeShautelle-Renaud and Renee’ Wingate.
June 2, 2012 marked the start of a new era for twenty-two talented and amazing women. The Exquisite Pearls of Service interest group once again transitioned to Mu Delta Omega Chapter of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporated.
Charter Members
Lynne Peace
Charlee Renaud
Minnie Robinson
Lucretia Starnes Young
Chastic Steele
Melanie Sullivan
Ellen Thompson
Talisha Thompson
Angela Veney
Cathy Walter
Arthella R. Wingate

Terri Carr
Geri Deshautelle-Renaud
Cortney Evans
Veronica Heno-Henderson
Naomi S. Johnson
Nakesha Millsap
Veronica Murry
Janice Nickie-Green
Zepel Otey-Robertson
Terry G. Owens
Deshana Pandy